( BAS )


Services related to financial record-keeping, bookkeeping, tax preparation.

Providing technical support, network setup, software installation.

Services that help businesses create and execute marketing strategies.

Assistance with HR-related tasks such as recruitment, employee training, performance.

Digital agency services built specifically for your business

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About Us

Koperasi Jasa
Bahagia Aman Sejahtera

Didirikan pada tgl 16 Juni 2023 tepat nya 7 Zulhijah 1444 H. BAS adalah Koperasi jasa Global melalui berbagi bisnis penjualan langsung dengan konsep JASA Network Marketing dengan prinsip mengutamakan kualitas produk terbaik dengan harga dan jasa terbaik.


  • Menjadi Koperasi Jasa perdagangan dengan kosep Jasa Network Marketing terbaik.
  • Menjadi Koperasi jasa global yang menguasai Nasional dan Internasional.
  • Koperasi jasa menjadi kendaraan atau regulator terbaik bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk.
  • Memperoleh income terbaik dan kesejahteraan yang hakiki dan harmoni di setiap seluruh anggotanya.


  • Koperasi jasa memberikan kualitas pelayanan dan produk terbaik dengan harga yang terbaik, terjangkau disemua kalangan atau lapisan masyarakat Indonesia.
  • Membuka peluang bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk memiliki usaha dengan modal yang relative kecil, akan tetapi dengan peluang hasil yang spektakuler.
  • Membantu mitra mitra bisnisnya menuju income yang jelas dan professional dan berintegritas dengan edukasinya yang terkurikulum melalui support system yaitu BASCOIN ONE SYSTEM.


Work Experience

frequently asked questions

Question & Answer

Providing legal advice, contract drafting, compliance assistance, intellectual property protection, and other legal support for businesses. Creating visual content, such as logos, brochures, infographics. The timeline for seeing results depends on the specific services you choose and the current state of your business.

What services does your business provide?

Our pricing varies depending on the specific services you require and the scope of your project. We offer customized solutions to fit each client's unique needs and budget. Please contact us.

How much do your services cost?

Our pricing varies depending on the specific services you require and the scope of your project. We offer customized solutions to fit each client's unique needs and budget. Please contact us.

Do you offer any guarantees or refunds?

Our pricing varies depending on the specific services you require and the scope of your project. We offer customized solutions to fit each client's unique needs and budget. Please contact us.

How do I get started with your services?

Our pricing varies depending on the specific services you require and the scope of your project. We offer customized solutions to fit each client's unique needs and budget. Please contact us.

We Have Many Happy Clients Allover World Wide

Award Wining Agency

Higest Success Rates

I've been using [business name] for the past year and I'm so glad I did. Their products and services are top-notch and their customer service is amazing. I would highly recommend them to anyone

Darlene Robertson

Web design

I've been using [business name] for the past year and I'm so glad I did. Their products and services are top-notch and their customer service is amazing. I would highly recommend them to anyone

Darlene Robertson

Web design

I've been using [business name] for the past year and I'm so glad I did. Their products and services are top-notch and their customer service is amazing. I would highly recommend them to anyone

Darlene Robertson

Web design


Contact With Us

Let’s Work Together?

Providing legal advice, contract drafting, compliance assistance,
intellectual property protection, and other legal support for businesses.

Refreshing to get such a personal touch

Refreshing to get such a personal touch

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[email protected]

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We provide a range of digital marketing lutions including website design.

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We provide a range of digital marketing lutions including website design.

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We provide a range of digital marketing lutions including website design.